photo: <p>Weill Neurosciences Building</p>

Weill Neurosciences Building

The Decision Lab is led by Winston Chiong, MD PhD, and is part of the Memory and Aging Center in the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences. Our interdisciplinary research is informed by clinical neurology, cognitive neuroscience, the social sciences, philosophy and law, with two main themes:

  1. Decision Neuroscience in Aging and Disorders of Aging

    We study the neural bases of decision-making in the aging brain in both health and disease, using techniques such as task-based functional MRI, online population-based methods, and computational behavioral modeling. We hope to understand brain changes underlying vulnerability to financial fraud and other mistakes, in order to inform future strategies to prevent these risks.

  2. Ethical, Policy and Health Equity Implications of Alterations to Brain Function

    We also use conceptual and empirical/ethnographic methods to investigate the broader effects of brain diseases and of interventions (pharmacological and technological) that influence brain function. As the brain is the physical basis for our experiences, personalities and choices, we are particularly interested in how changes to the brain affect patients’/users’ senses of themselves and in whether new possibilities afforded by novel interventions are made available among diverse communities.


Our work is funded by grants R01MH126997, K24AG083117, R01MH137095, and RF1AG083830 from the National Institutes of Health. In addition to our research collaborators, we are affiliated with:

logo for Global Brain Health Institute logo for the ARTFL-LEFFTDS Longitudinal Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (ALLFTD) research study



Winston Chiong, MD PhD
Professor in Residence
Mary Oakley Foundation Professor of Neuroethics

UCSF Memory and Aging Center
675 Nelson Rising Lane, Suite 190F
San Francisco CA 94158

decisionlab (at)

This site is open-source and available on GitHub. It is built on the ucsf_jekyll_basic template using code from the al-folio theme and the Fraser lab website.