Emily and Narayan present at BRAIN Initiative meeting

It was great to see both Emily Liu and Narayan Sankaran on stage at the 10th Annual BRAIN Initiative Conference.
Emily was one of eight Scholar Spotlight awardees selected to give a Lightning Talk of her abstract to the full meeting, immediately after NIH BRAIN Director John Ngai’s welcome. Then in the afternoon, Narayan spoke as part of a panel on music in the brain (and its potential therapeutic applications), presenting cutting-edge work on neural representations of melody in the brain.
Emily and Narayan will both be going on to faculty roles; Emily at the University of Colorado Department of Neurology, and Narayan helping to establish a new Neuroscience department close to home at the University of San Francisco, and aiming also to set up a neuroethics program within that department. Great work by both of them – so happy to see it recognized!