Posts on Mastodon:


Happy Birthday Winston!

Ali Zahir
March 25, 2019

In celebration of Winston’s birthday our lab members came together to surprise him with perhaps the most picturesque cake ever.

photo of Happy Birthday Winston!

Volunteering at St. Anthony's!

Madhu Manivannan
February 9, 2019

This past Saturday, our team woke up bright and early to volunteer at St. Anthony’s Free Clothing Program in the Tenderloin! St. Anthony’s is an incredible organization that provides comprehensive support for San Franciscans living in poverty. We helped process, quality check, and hang clothing so it’s accessible for the nearly 10,000 guests each year that receive free clothing through this program. We hope to continue volunteering in different organizations around SF, giving back to the community while enjoying some quality team-bonding time!

photo of Volunteering at St. Anthony's!
Our lab, with a few extra friends!

Lab Lunch at SF Kebab!

Mia Borzello
January 29, 2019

another successful lab lunch! 🧠

photo of Lab Lunch at SF Kebab!

Tobias Haeusermann wins 2018 Mildred Blaxter New Writer Prize

Winston Chiong
November 7, 2018

More happy news for the Decision Lab! Tobias Haeusermann has received the 2018 Mildred Blaxter New Writer Prize from the editorial board of Sociology of Health and Illness for his paper “Professionalised intimacy: how dementia care workers navigate between domestic intimacy and institutional detachment”! Toby’s paper examines strains in the professional roles of care workers in Germany’s first dementia village. Great to see more recognition for this very interesting work!