BBQ and welcome to Manizhe and Pongpat!
Winston Chiong
September 9, 2023
After a one-year hiatus due to a kitchen remodel, we’re back for another Decision Lab BBQ! This time we are welcoming Manizhe and Pongpat to the lab. Manizhe is a behavioral neurologist from Iran via Boston, while Pongpat is a health economist from Thailand via Hiroshima! Very excited to have them join us, bringing their talents and new perspectives!

Farewell to Bryan, Steve, and Danielle
Celeste Fong
June 27, 2023
It’s that time of the year again… We’re saying goodbye to Bryan, Steve, and Danielle. Bryan, who has been working with us as a student intern for nearly 2 years, has graduated from Columbia University. He will remain in the city as a research worker under Dr. Yunglin Gazes in the Taub Institute at Columbia Medical Center. Danielle has completed her research year with us and will be continuing onto her 4th year of medical school at UCSF. Steve has finished his behavioral neurology fellowship at UCSF and has accepted a full-time position as Assistant Professor of Neurology at Boston University. It’s always sad to part with people who have contributed so dearly to the lab’s work and social culture, but we are excited to see them moving on to accomplish great things!
Abe Dada and Danielle Hart present at AAN 2023
Winston Chiong
April 27, 2023
Many congratulations to super UCSF med students Abraham Dada and Danielle Hart, who presented their posters at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting in Boston.
Abe’s poster, “Factors mediating public perceptions of therapeutic closed-loop brain implants for epilepsy and mood disorders,” included data from a national survey characterizing mediators of demographic differences in the prospecive acceptability of closed loop implanted devices. Danielle’s poster, “Financial toxicity in dementia caregiving,” included data from a national survey of dementia caregivers indicating that Black, non-Hispanic caregivers were more likely to experience financial toxicity than white, non-Hispanic caregivers; with age as a somewhat surprising protective factor.

Congratulations, Winston, on your appointment as Executive Director of UCSF Bioethics!
Celeste Fong
January 20, 2023
Congratulations to our fearless leader, Winston, who was officially appointed as the Executive Director of UCSF Bioethics!
Serving as Interim Director of UCSF Bioethics since late October 2021, Winston has worked to strengthen our interdisciplinary community of discourse on responsible clinical practice, discovery, and education in the context of broader and long-overdue discussions about justice and health equity throughout our institution. As Executive Director, he will be responsible for the integration of bioethics as an integral component of UCSF’s research, training, and clinical missions. Way to go!
Beautiful day at the park
Winston Chiong
November 2, 2022
Well, this perfectly mediocre season has been a bit of a letdown for the Giants, just a year after a tremendously fun season. However, this final home game of the season is probably the best game we’ve attended as a lab. (Sadly, no one remembered to take pictures on June 7, though that game was pretty boring anyway.)
In this case we got to hang out together on a sunny day with a great view, also with some very cute kids and both garlic fries and regular fries. And a really fun game with lead changes, action (Giants ended multiple innings with double plays to wipe out a runner crossing the plate) and an extra-innings walkoff with a play at the plate! Can’t wait for next year!

Postdoc Appreciation Week
Winston Chiong
September 21, 2022
It’s Postdoc Appreciation Week again! Clara Sanches and I went out for a coffee and a chat. While trying to avoid talking about her upcoming SfN poster, we got to discussing Julia Brown’s great recent book launch event, through which I learned from Clara about Esmé Weijun Wang’s fascinating collection, The Collected Schizophrenias. Really looking forward to checking it out once this coming set of grants is in!…