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Tobias Haeusermann wins 2018 Mildred Blaxter New Writer Prize

Winston Chiong
November 7, 2018

More happy news for the Decision Lab! Tobias Haeusermann has received the 2018 Mildred Blaxter New Writer Prize from the editorial board of Sociology of Health and Illness for his paper “Professionalised intimacy: how dementia care workers navigate between domestic intimacy and institutional detachment”! Toby’s paper examines strains in the professional roles of care workers in Germany’s first dementia village. Great to see more recognition for this very interesting work!

UPDATED - JC Mergenthaler awarded Best Poster at International Neuroethics Society 2018

Winston Chiong
November 1, 2018

Joncarmen Mergenthaler’s poster on consent and recruitment in human electrophysiology studies was voted Best Poster by the attendees of the International Neuroethics Society 2018 meeting in San Diego. His project includes data from 26 interviews of NIH-funded neurotechnology investigators conducting intracranial electrophysiology research in patients undergoing neurosurgical interventions. Great work JC!

photo of UPDATED - JC Mergenthaler awarded Best Poster at International Neuroethics Society 2018

Happy Birthday Ali!

Winston Chiong
October 9, 2018

photo of Happy Birthday Ali!
(not pictured: me, out on a school camping trip with my son--sorry to miss!)

Mia Borzello presents at Society for Neuroeconomics 2018 in Philadelphia

Winston Chiong
October 7, 2018

Congratulations to Mia Borzello, who presented her poster “Influence of fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, and grey matter volumes on debt repayment strategies in older adults” at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroeconomics. (Now to write the paper!)

photo of Mia Borzello presents at Society for Neuroeconomics 2018 in Philadelphia

Upcoming panels at International Neuroethics Society and Society for Neuroscience meetings in San Diego

Winston Chiong
October 4, 2018

I’m happy to say that I’ll be participating on two panels about neuroethics in San Diego next month. I think both will open some space for really interesting discussions!

On Thursday, November 1 from 2:15-3:45pm I will be joining Jonathan Pugh, Cynthia Kubu, and Frederic Gilbert on an International Neuroethics Society panel moderated by Hannah Maslen on the topic of personality changes after deep brain stimulation. As a behavioral neurologist, I hope to contribute some lessons from frontotemporal dementia about challenges in recognizing potentially subtle and difficult-to-characterize personality changes in clinical settings.

Then on Sunday, November 4 from 6:45-8:45pm I will be on a panel hosted by Elba Serrano and Marcello Ienca, also featuring Andrea Giuffrida, Khara Ramos, Karen Rommelfanger, Ilina Singh, Tim Brown, Edda Thiels, Hank Greely, Ann Fink and Judy Illes, during the Society for Neuroscience Neuroethics Social. Among other things, I’m hoping to draw on our experience with the Neuroethics in Novel Neurotechnologies project to encourage other neuroscientists to think about building collaborations and funding research in neuroethics.

Lab lunch at the Ramp

Winston Chiong
September 25, 2018

Decision Lab lunch at the Ramp! French fries or onion rings? (Toby, sorry to miss you this time…)

photo of Lab lunch at the Ramp